Apolla Junior School
We established our Apolla Biggi Junior School to offer junior education to vulnerable children in the Northern part of Uganda. It currently accommodates over 200 pupils, 50% of whom are supported by Biggi Family Project, on full scholarships. The other half pay a subsidized fee.
There are still many more who cannot go to school and that's why we need you. Your donation will go toward tuition and learning materials.
Below are some of the promising faces we have been privileged to assist so far.
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What's Happening
Technical Skills training - September 7
All throughout the year, we enroll individuals that wish to participate in our various sessions.
Technical Skills training - December 6
We will be running Group Skills training sessions this December. Should you wish to attend...
Technical Skills training - December 5
We will be running Group Skills training sessions this December. Should you wish to attend...